The Good Life
Have you got £900,000 to spend? Well lucky you, no need to show off!! What were you hoping to buy? Currently available are a couple of 4 bedroom detached houses in Chalkwell, some apartments in Bell Sands or The Shore or may be a terraced house on Grand Parade?
How about something completely different? For the same price, why not consider a 5 double bedroom detached bungalow with 5.5 acres?
Yes, amazingly for the same money as a seafront flat with 1 parking space you can have a large detached property with a 125’ road frontage and sweeping in & out driveway. What is probably even more impressive is that as well as a new house you have also got the opportunity of a whole new lifestyle or career.
The bungalow currently sits in formal gardens of approx. 1 acre with a garage and is only about 10 minutes away from Rochford Town Centre so not out in the sticks and isolated at all. With a completely separate entrance to the side the other driveway leads to the remainder of the land and the stables. There are currently 8 well tended stables, self contained with separate electric and water supply, there is also an all weather turn out area and a fabulous floodlight menage together with ample hardstanding and further outbuildings.
If you are part of the local equestrian fraternity then the facilities are excellent but if horses aren’t your thing then it could earn its keep and be rented out as a whole going concern or apparently the demand for stabling horses locally is very strong and you would easily be able to rent them out individually if you prefer. If you did want to run it as a separate business then the separate access is a god send. A lot of equestrian facilities are linked to the main residence and so if you were to rent them out you would have tenants very close to your property possible early on a Sunday morning with one of the enviable jobs of owning a horse, mucking out!
If horses aren’t your thing (I don’t blame you, cant see the attraction myself) then what about something else entirely? How about storage facilities, hugely in demand at the moment, these come in all different guises from large barns/buildings to freestanding containers. Talking of storage, I have recently been approached by someone who needs to buy storage facilities for classic cars, apparently this is a growing area for investors to purchase cars and sit them in storage whilst they increase in value?
What about a reclamation yard? There currently isn’t a good one nearby and with lots of properties being renovated there are items being chucked out that I am sure could be reused and sold own to budding interior designers or developers.
Any other ideas? How about caravan & camper van storage, camp site, summer music festival destination, vineyard, the list is endless…
If you would prefer the land to work for itself and may be for you to get back to nature and get your hands dirty how about going back to the good life. We have all seen the TV programme and even watch Countryfile on a Sunday evening thinking we could do that. Well don’t just tell the telly, get out there and do it.
Self sufficiency could be within your grasp with ample room for multiple crops and even space for chickens, pigs, llamas, etc, etc…
Personally I couldn’t imagine anything worse! I am a fully paid up member of the townie brigade and being somewhere quiet without any neighbours or noise doesn’t have any appeal to me although as it has just taken me 20 minutes to find a parking space in the Broadway to come back in to the office I am starting to see the appeal!!!
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