City Slicker or Country Bumpkin?
Are you fed up with trying to find a parking space or just need a bit of peace and quiet? Does the idea of getting your hands dirty working the land fill you with dread (me too) and you cant imagine anything more boring than living in a field?
It seems to me that there are virtues in both and I can definitely see the benefits in both.
Town living
I must declare my interest first of all, I am a true self confessed townie but I must admit I am wavering. The main attraction with town living is convenience. Being close to everything definitely has its advantages. Being within walking distance of a train station for commuting, schools for the children and coffee shops for that essential latte are top of some peoples list for priorities when looking for a new home. Having a bit of life around you can be reassuring and the beauty we have with our town is that you also have the benefit of the seafront right on our doorstep. There is also always something going on and that bustling lifestyle can actually be quite invigorating and exciting. It keeps me young (stop laughing).
The problem with town living is everyone else! It can sometimes be a victim of its own success. Yes, you may be in walking distance of the station but the train is so busy when you get there you cant get a seat. The school is oversubscribed and you cant guarantee your child a place and due to popularity of the school the house prices are too high anyway. You cant get that latte because you cant find a parking space and the queues are too long anyway, plus it is £9 a cup anyway.
The bars and restaurants are a big attraction but what about the noise at kicking out time, the drunken fights and after you have been out for a pleasant meal having to walk through the gangs of youths hanging around the streets. Plus the speed that the cars drive up and down the congested roads and the crime, our offices were broken in to last week by 3 guys on mopeds at 3am. Blimey it didn’t realise there was so much to rant about until I got going!
Country living
As I have said, I’ve already declared my interest as a townie but I can really see the attraction of upping sticks and moving out a bit. The main attraction with country living has got to be the peace and quiet. Having a few acres must be quite satisfying and little things like having plenty of room to park and no neighbours must be nice. Having open views over countryside would be lovely and either working the land or having all the animals you ever wanted is much more practical in a country house than if you were in a fifth floor flat.
The problem with country living is the country. You have to really plan what you are going to have for tea if you are 10 miles away from the nearest corner shop! Also you might be one of those people in your Land Rover having to do your school run or driving and trying to find a parking space at the station for your commute. There is also the security, are you happy to be on your own in the middle of a field with no one else around. Would you jump out of your skin if the doorbell goes? Also it might well be quiet, deadly quiet! If you aren’t on everyones doorstep you might well be on your own. If people cant just nip round for a cup of tea and a natter are they going to be bothered to get in the car and visit you? We haven’t even mentioned emptying the septic tank, urgh!
As I said I can definitely see the pros and cons in both. I think that you are either one or the other and moving from the town to the country or vice versa is a very difficult move with huge differences and upheaval. I think I will probably continue to moan about the problems with living in the town whilst not actually doing anything about it. I will like the idea of living in the country until I have a property to sell out there, go and visit and step in horse poo or get stung by nettles getting my shoes and suit dirty.
So what would you prefer? The accompanying photos indicate a £900,000, 5 bedroom detached bungalow with 5.5 acres currently available and a 4 bedroom semi detached house in the heart of Leigh that recently sold for exactly the same, £900,000! The voice is yours.
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